Beautiful Kuang Si Waterfall in Laos

The Water You Drink: Why It Matters and How to Ensure the Best Quality

Water is essential for our survival, and it is important that we drink enough of it every day to stay healthy. However, not all water ends up equal, and it is important to source the best quality water possible. Thankfully, most of us reading this are blessed enough to be able to actually have the luxury of this choice. In this post, we will explore the different sources of water and the various types of water filters that are available to help you choose the best water for your needs.


But first, why exactly do we need water?

Water plays a vital role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Our bodies are made up of approximately 60% water, and every system in our body relies on water to function properly. Let's look at how water affects the body and why it is important to drink enough water every day.

Regulates Body Temperature

One of the primary functions of water in the body is to regulate body temperature. When we become overheated, our bodies produce sweat to cool us down. Sweat is mostly made up of water, and when it evaporates, it cools the body. If we are dehydrated, our bodies cannot produce enough sweat to cool us down, which can lead to heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

Lubricates Joints

Water also plays an important role in lubricating our joints. Cartilage, which is the connective tissue that cushions our joints, is made up of approximately 80% water. When we are dehydrated, our joints can become stiff and less flexible, which can lead to pain and discomfort.

Helps Digestion

Water is also essential for proper digestion. It helps to break down food and move it through the digestive system. Without enough water, we can experience constipation and other digestive issues. Additionally, water helps to dissolve nutrients and minerals from the food we eat, making them more accessible to our bodies.

Flushes Out Toxins

Water is also important for flushing toxins out of the body. Our kidneys rely on water to filter waste and toxins from our blood. When we are dehydrated, our kidneys cannot function properly, which can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body. Drinking enough water helps to keep our kidneys healthy and functioning properly.

Boosts Energy Levels

Drinking enough water can also help to boost our energy levels. When we are dehydrated, our blood becomes thicker, which makes it more difficult for our heart to pump blood throughout the body. This can lead to feelings of fatigue and sluggishness. Drinking enough water helps to keep our blood flowing smoothly, which can help to boost our energy levels.

Improves Skin Health

Water is also important for maintaining healthy skin. Our skin is the largest organ in our body, and it relies on water to stay hydrated and supple. When we are dehydrated, our skin can become dry and flaky, which can lead to premature aging and wrinkles. Drinking enough water helps to keep our skin healthy and glowing.


Sources of Drinking Water

There are many sources of drinking water, including tap water, bottled water, and natural spring water plus many ways to filter or purify water. Each of these sources and methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to understand the differences between them.

Tap Water

Tap water is the most common source of drinking water in many countries. It is often treated with chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride to kill bacteria and make it safer for consumption. However, some studies have suggested that chlorine may react with organic matter in water to form disinfection byproducts (DBPs) that are carcinogenic, while fluoride has been associated with neurotoxic effects on developing brains and fluorosis which causes joint damage. Tap water can also contain other impurities such as lead, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals.

Bottled Water

Bottled water is another popular source of drinking water. It is usually filtered and purified, but the quality can vary depending on the brand. Additionally, bottled water can be expensive and may not be the most environmentally friendly option. Toxins can also leach from the plastic bottles, especially if left in direct sunlight, adding toxins to the water. If you are drinking bottled water, buying it in a glass bottle may be the better option.

Spring Water

Spring water is sourced directly from natural springs and is often considered the best quality water. It is usually naturally filtered and contains minerals that are beneficial for our health. However, it can be difficult to find natural springs, and the cost can be prohibitive.

Activated Carbon Filters

Activated carbon filters are the most common type of water filter. They work by absorbing impurities and contaminants from the water. These filters are effective at removing chlorine, pesticides, and other chemicals. However, they may not be effective at removing bacteria or viruses.

Reverse Osmosis Filters

Reverse osmosis filters use a membrane to filter out impurities and contaminants from the water. These filters are effective at removing bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants. However, they can be expensive and may waste a lot of water during the filtration process.

Ceramic Filters

Ceramic filters use a porous ceramic material to filter out impurities and contaminants from the water. These filters are effective at removing bacteria and other contaminants. However, they may not be effective at removing chemicals and other pollutants.

UV Filters

UV filters use ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and other microorganisms in the water. These filters are effective at removing bacteria and viruses. However, they too may not be totally effective at removing chemicals and pollutants.

Ozone Water Purification

Ozone water purification is another method of water treatment. Ozone is a powerful oxidant that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms in the water. It is also effective at removing impurities and contaminants such as pesticides and pharmaceuticals. Ozone water purification is a chemical-free method of water treatment that does not leave any residual chemicals in the water.


Water distillers are devices used to purify water by removing impurities and contaminants through distillation. Distillation is the process of heating water to its boiling point, which causes the water to evaporate and form steam. The steam is then collected and cooled back down into water, which is now free of impurities.

One of the advantages of using a water distiller is that it can remove a wide range of contaminants from the water, including minerals, bacteria, viruses, and chemicals. However, distilled water may lack some of the beneficial minerals and nutrients found in natural water sources.

Kangen Water

Kangen water is a type of alkaline water that is produced by a water ionizer machine. The machine uses a process called electrolysis to separate the water into two streams - one with a higher pH (alkaline) and one with a lower pH (acidic). Kangen water is popular because it is believed to provide numerous health benefits, including improved hydration, better digestion, and detoxification. It is also said that the alkaline pH of the water can help to balance the body's pH levels and reduce inflammation.


It is important to ensure that any machine you use is safe an not producing water that is contaminated with heavy metals or other harmful substances.


Water Structure

Some of the above methods can cause the water to become unstructured when we remove minerals and other naturally occurring substances. This is because these substances can play a role in the structure and properties of water molecules, and removing them can alter the structure of the water.

For example, reverse osmosis and distillation are water filtration methods that remove minerals and other substances from water by forcing it through a semi-permeable membrane or through heating and cooling. While these methods can effectively remove impurities from water, they can also leave the water stripped of minerals and other substances that play a role in its structure. Therefore, water that has been treated with these methods may benefit from restructuring to restore its natural structure and make it more biologically active.

Some experts argue that the human body is capable of restructuring water on its own through natural biological processes, and that there may be little benefit to actively attempting to restructure water through external methods but maybe the less the body has to do the better!

Water restructuring is a process of altering the physical structure of water molecules to create a more biologically active and easily absorbed form of water. This can be done through various methods, such as vortexing, magnetic fields, or exposure to certain frequencies of light or sound.

One common method of water restructuring is through the use of vortexing, a method used in biodynamic farming. This involves swirling water in a container or using a vortex generator to create a spiralling motion, which helps to break up clusters of water molecules and increase the surface area of the water. This can make it easier for the water to absorb nutrients and hydrate the body more effectively.

Another method of water restructuring is through exposure to magnetic fields. This can be done using special devices that generate a magnetic field around the water to alter the structure.

Some people also use frequency and sound therapy to restructure the water. This involves exposing the water to specific frequencies or sounds that are believed to help break up clusters of water molecules.

How we affect water

Many people have heard of Masaru Emoto, the Japanese author and researcher who conducted experiments on the structure of water crystals. His work involved exposing water to various stimuli, such as music, words, and images, and then freezing the water and examining the structure of the resulting ice crystals under a microscope.

Emoto demonstrated that water that had been exposed to positive stimuli, such as music with a positive message or words of affirmation, formed beautiful, structured and symmetrical ice crystals, while water exposed to negative stimuli, such as harsh music or negative words, formed less structured and less symmetrical ice crystals. Emoto also used his experiments to show that water could be "programmed" with intentions and thoughts, and that the resulting structure of the ice crystals reflected these intentions and thoughts.

Since Emoto's work, Veda Austin has also conducted experiments and her work is also fascinating. From her website: "She has dedicated the last 8 years observing and photographing the life of water. She believes that water is fluid intelligence, observing itself through every living organism on the planet and in the Universe.".



The benefits of water to our overall health and well-being cannot be overemphasised. From regulating body temperature and lubricating joints to flushing out toxins and improving skin health, water plays a vital role in keeping our bodies functioning properly. It is therefore important to ensure that we drink enough water every day, with the recommended daily intake varying based on age, weight, and activity level. Drinking at least eight glasses of water per day is a good general rule that is often recommended for adults. While there are various sources of drinking water, including tap water, bottled water, and natural spring water, using a water filter is an effective way to improve the quality of your drinking water. By choosing the right water filter for your needs and using it regularly, you can ensure that you are drinking clean and healthy water, and in turn, help to keep your body healthy and functioning at its best.


This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Check for any contra-indications with any new therapy you undertake and seek the advice of a physician that you can trust or another trusted health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


Main image is of the beautiful Kuang Si Waterfall in Laos




Water: Essential for your body

Fluoride & Chlorine In Your Water: The Harmful Effects Both Have on the Human Body

Reverse Osmosis

8 Common Types Of Water Filters And How They Work

Magnetic Water

How much water should you drink?

Is distilled water safe to drink?

What is Kangen Water?

Masuru Emoto

Veda Austin: The Secret Intelligence of Water

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