Tips for Managing Stress

Tips for Managing Stress

With current world events and huge protests happening throughout Europe, it is more important than ever to manage the increasing stress levels many people are experiencing. It is widely known that stress has a big impact on our health so it is important to actively find ways to reduce it. When we are stressed our bodies go into “fight or flight” mode and direct energy to being ready to run or fight instead of healing, detoxing and renewing.

Some strategies may appear simple but can actually make a big difference so don’t discount them. We’ve put some of our suggestions below:

Ensure that you stay properly hydrated - levels of "the stress hormone" cortisol increase when we are dehydrated. Some of the effects of cortisol are increased heart rate, blood pressure and blood glucose levels. Whilst this is not always an issue short-term, a prolonged increase can have a negative impact on health.

Go for a walk – the lateral eye movements we use when we walk suppress the amygdala (the amygdala activates your fight or flight response).

Find a guided meditation to help you to focus on your breathing and positive visualisation.

Use essential oils like lavender, which is widely used to help with anxiety.

Follow our sleep tips - getting enough sleep helps you to reduce anxiety.

Practise forgiveness – studies have shown that it can lower the risk of heart attack, help you sleep, help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, reduce pain, reduce blood pressure, and help with anxiety and depression.

Spend a few minutes doing Qi Gong to get the energy moving around your body and help to remove blockages to the natural flow – we like Lee Holden’s 7 Minutes of Magic which is free on YouTube but there are many great teachers to choose from.

Do yoga - there are many different types of yoga for all levels and they can all help with managing stress.

Try a breathing practice – if you don’t have a teacher to guide you then you can find helpful videos online or just practise focusing on your breath and counting if you are not somewhere that you can watch something. Even just the change of focus will help you to relax.

Use Cold Therapy – we’ve mentioned before that Wim Hof Method is becoming increasingly popular with many following in Wim’s footsteps and achieving incredible healing results from regular cold exposure and breathwork.

Infrared saunas - using an infrared sauna can help with sleep, relaxation and pain relief.

Turn off your television and focus on all the good things in the present moment, don’t become divided because your opinion is different from someone else, we change our opinions over time so think back to when you believed something in the past and how your whole perception changed when new information came to light.

Listen to music - if you listen to relaxing music it can reduce cortisol, increase endorphin levels and lower your heart rate.

Be present and remember that change is constant so even the things that appear bad won’t last. Mindfulness and meditation groups can help with this.

Keep a gratitude diary - this will boost your mood and help you to continually notice more of the good things in your life.

Do something creative to help you relax and take your focus away from negative things.

Watch something funny and laugh with friends, even in the most traumatic situations we often still find humour and someone says something to “lighten” things up because it works and gives us a much needed break from the darkness.

Set boundaries and don’t feel guilty about your choices – only you experience being you so you know what it best for you.

Spend time with people that you love - if you have been separated from them connect with them as much as possible through the Internet and cultivate a feeling of connection even if you can’t physically touch them.

Practise self-care and get a massage, relax in a floatation tank or go for a complementary therapy session like reflexology or massage – touch increases oxytocin which boosts your mood and immunity, studies have shown that it creates empathy and moves our focus from self to caring about others.

Build emotional connections with people you can trust and talk to someone about your worries whether it is a friend or a trusted professional. If you don't have anyone to talk to you can call the Samaritans

Connect with nature as much as possible – studies have proven what many already knew, that being in nature has a profound effect on health and wellbeing, reducing stress and increasing natural killer cells that destroy cancer cells and other pathogens like viruses.

Use supplements to help you relax and to help you sleep if you are struggling.

Many of these subtle techniques can produce changes in your body chemistry, form new neural pathways, and create new energetic fields around you. If you can maintain a positive feeling then your physiology will respond accordingly so try not to get caught up in the negativity and propaganda, maintain an inner calm, take action when your feel it is necessary and trust that all will be well in the end. Listen to your inner voice, follow your heart and stay connected to others, stay united and help each other.

We send love and peace to ALL.



This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Check for any contra-indications with any new therapy you undertake and seek the advice of a physician that you can trust or another trusted health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.



Thanks to Helena Lopes from Pexels for the photo



Lateral eye movements


Qi Gong

Infrared Sauna Benefits


Nature health benefits



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